Large-Scale Costume Historical Performance Shall Open Rostov Town Day 2016

Particularly, it was proposed to open the City Day - 2016 by a large-scale costume historical open-air performance at the site in front of the Musical Theatre.  

The performance shall reconstruct the key events from the history of establishing the Don area capital, and shall draw historic parallels with new Rostov. Peter the Great, Elizabeth Petrovna of Russia, Catherin the Great, Andrey Baikov shall be among the performance protagonists. 

Striking moment of the City Day - 2016 festivities shall be the drill-ground guards parade "Rostov-on-Don -- City of Military Glory". 

Military bands of Caucasus Regional Command of the National Guard of Russia shall perform within the framework of the events at the Theater Square. These will be the bands not only from Rostov-on-Don, but also from the Crimea, Krasnodar, Novocherkassk, Shakhty.


Victor Berezhnoy, Deputy City Head for social issues, on instructions of the City Administration Head, hold an inception meeting about preparation to the festivities devoted to the 276-th anniversary of foundation of Rostov-on-Don.    

Ludmila Lisitsina, Head of Department for Cultural Affairs, and Sergey Mozhaev, Director of Art Center, Honoured Cultural Worker of the Russian Federation, spoke about their proposals regarding the program of main events of the festival.

