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Events Timed to Celebrate the Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation will be Held in Rostov-on-Don :

Events Timed to Celebrate the Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation will be Held in Rostov-on-Don

On August 22, Russia celebrates the Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation. All the municipal parks prepare programs for that day including concerts, exhibitions, creative workshops, contests of drawings, master classes. Over 25 major events will take place in the city. The central concert will be given on the open-air stage in M. Gorky Park. The concert includes performances of the best creative bands and solo performers of Rostov-on-Don. The historical park, Russia is My History, will have  morning exercises for young adults and  everyone wishing to attend them, there will also be a flash mob with the flag of the Russian Federation. And the zoo of Rostov-on-Don will organize a master class how to make a 3D copy of the Russian Flag and a themed exhibition on the history of the festival on this day. 

День флага музей.jpg


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