Joule Park, Rostov’s first Museum of Wonders, is an edutainment park, where kids and their parents and even grandparents will be able to play and have fun, learning a lot about different regions of science: fr om basic physics to the structure of the Universe.
The main distinction is that all the exhibits are showy, exciting and engrossing.
Numerous halls, rooms and passages are full of wonders that will fill you with enthusiasm and will never get you bored. Wh ere in the world could you see thousands of your reflections, turn the earth upside down or experience true gravitation?
Joule Park’s house of mirrors is one of the most impressive in the south of Russia, its area is over 100 square meters. Try to get out of the charmed mirror kingdom, stretching far beyond the horizon.
It will take you about two hours to explore the edutainment Museum of Wonders, Joule Park.
Working hours: from 10:00 to 20:00 daily
+7(863) 285-09-55