The brightest pieces of art of merited authors and young Rostov painters are exhibited here.
The hall is often used for themed nights, meet-the-artist sessions, which are of special interest and importance for younger generations.
Tourists come to visit the hall with pleasure and adore the talent of local masters of art. Collection is permanently updated, and for that reason the hall has permanent interest of art lovers.
Working hours (on Gorkogo st.):
Tue-Sun: 10:00–17:00
Mon: day off.
Working hours (on Gorkogo st.):
Address :
M. Gorkogo st., 84; Turgenevskaya st., 16/13
+7(950) 840-74-74 (on Gorkogo st.), +7(863) 262-58-67, +7(863) 262-55-15 (Turgenevskaya st.)