A city legend says that it was built by the Rostov grain-trader Elpidephor Paramonov for his lass – actress Margarita Chernova. And it is quite true -- the documents of the years 1900 – 1903 name Margarita Chernova as its proprietor; but the customer for its construction was her husband Nicholas Chervov, who little later formalized the rights for the house to his wife. Most probably the legend about adultery originated in Soviet times to cast a shadow on the man of million fortune, slave-driver, and had an ideological background. Soviet newsmen ignored the saying: “Afore pealing the bell, verify the canon.”
Reputable father of two sons and two daughters, holding the memory of his wife Raisa, E. Paramonov was false degraded, just as M. Chernova, wife of a merchant, mother of eight children. It worth noting that this story is not found in the newspapers of pre-Soviet era, which also published “hot news”, and should spread wide in any possible detail the connection between the widower and a married woman with many children, and describe the gorgeous present – mansion house, in case it were really so.
Unfortunately today also the authors of natural history best-sellers in various publications without any reference multiply the threadbare fiction, the wrongful accusations.
Late 19 – early 20 cc. the house was known for its reception entertainments, dancing balls to which the visiting celebrities were invited – musicians, singers, poets. The house included a hall for receptions and home concerts. A stage was arranged in the corner of the hall, and a gallery with balustrade for musicians ran along the corridor wall. Feodor Shaliapin sang in Chernova House in 1903, Yuri Zavadsky’s stage company performed here, in summer of 1920 Nicholai Gumilev recited his verses …