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Tour route 6. Traditions of the Don Cossacks:

Bus excursion to the former capital of the Don Cossacks - the village Old Cherkassk (The Aksay district). The route passes through the city of Rostov, Aksay, the floodplain of the Don River. The program is devoted to acquaintance to the culture of the Don Cossacks, immersion in color of Don region. You will be able to look at objects of the Old Cherkassk architectural memorial estate with visit of the Atamansky farmstead, to make pedestrian walk on the former floor space by the Cossack huts to the Maidan where there is the first stone Orthodox church to Dona - Army Resurrection Cathedral (18th century).

Besides, in the village it is possible to examine church of Saint apostles Pyotr and Pavel, church of the Icon of the Mother of God Donskoy, a traditional fair of souvenirs. The excursion gives complete idea of history, traditions, life, feats and life of the Don Cossacks in the period of XVI - the beginnings of the XX centuries. At will it is possible to pass a dedication ceremony in the Don Cossacks and to try dishes of the Cossack cuisine.

Route extent in one party from the fan zone (Rostov-on-Don, Theatre Square) to the village Old Cherkassk - 32 km.

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