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Russia is my History Historical Park Invites Rostovites:

Russia is my History Historical Park Invites Rostovites

Four themed excursions will take place in Russia is my History Historical Park at the weekend. An excursion, Rostov-on-Don, from Customs-house to Million-plus City,  starts at 2 pm on Saturday. As its title suggests, it is focused on the history of development of the present-day capital of the Southern Federal District, which is also often called a Port of Five Seas and Gates to the Caucasus. An excursion on development of Russian legislation – reforms of M. M. Speransky will take place at 5pm. It will be interesting both for lawyers to-be and young politicians, historians and all those who would like to look into the system of state administration and legislation. At 2pm on Sunday, there will be an excursion, The Great Northern War, at the historical park. Visitors will learn what was the confrontation between two great rules – Peter I, Czar the Reformer, and Charles XII, Warrior King, and how it affected the political situation in Europe. And at 5 pm an excursion, Rostov-on-Don, from Customs-house to Million-plus City,  starts. We recommend to take it for those who cannot book the tour on Saturday.

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