Monument to Veterinarians

st. 16 line, 18

On September 24, 2014, to celebrate the 225th anniversary of the veterinary service in the region and before the South Russian International Veterinarian Congress, a monument to the veterinarian was inaugurated. The monument’s author is a famous Rostov sculptor D. Lyndin. The symbol for the new monument was a figure of the veterinarian Paramonov, who, in those landmark times,  risked his life, giving medical treatment to army horses who suffered fr om a horrible disease.  The veterinarian holds a foal in his hands. A foal is not only a symbol of a new life, it is a symbol of the Don region. The veterinarian cast in bronze has a leather shoulder bag with a special brass sign featuring a horseback rider, the first veterinarians carried their instruments in it. The bag has a small slot for donations. The collected money will be spent on good causes. The monument is in the house wh ere S. Bakhtarov, the honored veterinary doctor of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialistic Republic,  lived. For 37 years, he was the head of the Rostov Regional Animal Health Center, he was the first to test and implement vaccines against Siberian plague and rabies.
